20 Blogging Numbers + Stats Goals I Want To Achieve By 2019
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I have really been into numbers and stats recently. Actually, that's a slight lie. I've always concentrated on numbers.
Is that a taboo thing to say?
Everybody has different thoughts and feelings when it comes to numbers concerning their blog, either way, I never let it personally measure the success of my content or achievements. I'm going to totally sound contradicting right now, as I use numbers every single day concerning my blog. Whether it's pitching an idea to a brand where I use the number of my DA to help get that collaboration. Or reaching a target of views, or Instagram likes, or engagement. It's very hard to not look at stats and figures when you have a blog, but with it, I don't let it bring me down or use it as a negative light on my content. If a post doesn't do as well as others, it may depend on how much I have promoted it, and I also know from trial and error, sharing at certain times and days of the weeks works better for certain content. Some months don't do as well as others, or maybe the post was just that boring for some people. It's unintentional feedback us bloggers have to come to terms with.
Despite this, I like to use numbers to help me plan and reach targets, and also to see the natural growth over an amount of time. I just want to include a little disclaimer that these are personal goals which I know help me reach targets and push myself and my content. This no way means if you're a blogger and you don't have similar goals you're doing it wrong. Everyone has their own way (if any), or making goals and tracking growth.

With only 20 weeks left of the year and I love a good theme, I have chosen 20 goals which are measured by numbers. (It's also left me feeling slightly nauseous that the title contains the year 2019. I know it's coming, but I'm just uneasy about it. Anyway, back to numbers!) With some of these, I have been working towards since the start of the year, I have been slightly adventures. You've got to love a trier! My main goal was to double my stats, not from the previous year, oh no, that would be beyond practical; double my stats right from the very start. Every single page view from when I started my blog four and a half years ago, and also when I started my social media accounts, some going back to 2011.
You might be thinking one of two things. One: why are you posting this when it clearly sounds like January goals? You have got me there, it certainly was. Like I said, some of these were goals I set at the start of the year, but it's been something that has constantly been at the back of my mind. I like to use my blog not only to share content to help inspire and motivate my readers (hey you!), but I also like to write content that inspires and motivates me, and also just helps me remember certain points and hopfully maybe achievements. Two: why did you make such a big goal, would it be better to go for something realistic? Of course! But I prefer to stay as far from realistic as possible. I love to make big goals and challenges, and whether I complete them all or not, I'm still in a better position than I was when I started.
I have gone completely sentimental on myself, but finally, we are getting to those numbers. As well as stats goals, I have included some other number goals which I know can help me focus in on my blog for the rest of the year.
- Reach 100,506 blog views this year
- Share at least 1 blog post a week
- Increase Twitter followers to 2264
- Double Instagram followers to 910
- Reach a DA of 25+
- A 50% to 50% ratio for new and returning users
- Increase Facebook followers to 172
- Work with 5 brands
- Spend 30 minutes a day engaging with new content
- 100 new newsletter subscribers
- Double Pinterest followers to 3076
- Schedule 28 posts (not including blogmas)
- Make 50% more fincially
- Reach 442 Bloglovin' followers
- Aim for 20+ comments per post
- Discover 50 new bloggers
- Reduce my bounce rate by 20%
- Increase Tumblr followers to 1434
- Aim for 10,373 unique users to visit Little White Socks
- Complete 24 days of blogmas.
If you're reading this post, you have helped with at least one of these goals, so thank you. I'll be sure to strike off any, and maybe all goals from this list. And yes, I am doing blogmas this year. It's far too early for me to reveal anything just yet, but I'm super excited. Let me know in the comments below what has been your most adventurous goal, and how close are you to reaching it.
and let me know your thoughts on this post!