How You Can Use Social Media To Help Support Bloggers
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February is the month of love, and in the words of...
...wait a minute, this sounds very similar to a post I had written last year. Ok. Go and have a read of that post, then come back because it's time for me to share even more blogger love.
I have been a blogger for almost 4 years (wow!) and I have seen the community go through so many ups and downs, but the one thing that I am always sure on is that the community will always have your back, and help each other out whenever they can. It's like once you've signed up for a blog, you automatically earn a lifetime of support. I wouldn't be in the position I am with my blog today if it wasn't for the amount of support I've received over the years. I know I'm always saying this, but I guess it just proves how much of an impact it has created.
For me, it's those comments, likes and mentions that really motivate me to keep going. It makes me feel like I have achieved something when someone has put in the effort to let me know they've liked what I've done. And this is what I want to share, that feeling of motivation, achievement, and positivity in the easiest way possible; using social media.

If you own a blog, you'll more than likely use at least one social media platform, whether it's to promote your own posts, or just for general browsing/updates. As much as we post our own content online to be seen, it's also nice to be able to give some of that love back. I will be the first to admit that I don't comment/share posts as much as I should, but I'm starting to schedule the time to do so. Not only is it a nice way to help encourage the community and help build up confidence, it's the best way to find new content, and meet inspiring bloggers.
These are all such easy things to do and can take less than 5 minutes. Small acts of kindness to help make somebody's day, and help the community grow.
I'm not really a big Facebook user, but I do like to use it to keep updated with the pages that I follow. A simple like and comment can help boost engagement too. I usually find new pages to follow on Facebook groups (see below) and shared on Twitter.
Running my Facebook page is probably my biggest struggle (social media-wise,) as I never have enough content of my own to post throughout the day, but I have come up with a way of updating my feed; share posts from other bloggers. You can share their post once you find something you like, scheduled once a day, or even dedicate a certain day to sharing the posts you have loved that week.
I have joined a lot of Facebook groups, and it's an easy way to find new bloggers. Every group is set out differently, but a dedicated post will be created for each social media platform, and you'll have to leave your link in the comments, and follow the set of the rules as stated. If you fancy going on a commenting/following/liking spree, you'll never run out of new content. You could even start your own group if you feel like you want to do things a little different.
The easiest way to interact with bloggers is on Twitter. Simply like, retweet and comment on tweets with posts you've enjoyed. I also end up liking tweets as a way to save and remember to read them later on. Other than the bloggers I already follow, the way I find new posts is via retweeting accounts. These accounts will retweet your post if you use their handle or hashtag. My timeline is always filled with new and inspiring content. I am always tagging these account when I share posts, and it's become the biggest way for my posts to be seen by a new audience.
If you've read a post you love, and you feel like it might also be enjoyed by your followers, share the post to your timeline. Some posts include a clickable link to share it directly on Twitter, otherwise, just paste the link into a new tweet.
This is the first thing I'm going to do. Creating a list on Twitter is easy to do; simply click on 'Create List'. You'll end up creating your own personal timeline of your favourite bloggers, and it's the easiest way to keep up with new posts. You can keep this list private, or share it to the public, that way people can also follow your list and keep up to date with those bloggers too.
If you're a devoted pinner like me, then created a board dedicated to bloggers. You can keep it niche and choose to base your board on posts with blogging tips, style or recipes. You could also use it to showcase your favourite blogger photography, and also a source of inspiration. To make it easier for others, include a pin button to your photos on your blog. You can also start a collaborative board. With new content from different bloggers, your board will be the biggest source of inspiration.
It wasn't until about 2 years into me using Pinterest that I create my own board which I update try to update every time I post. It's a nice way to have all your own posts in one place, as it showcases the visual side of your work. First off, if you use Pinterest and are a blogger, please create a board with just your content. It helps your posts get shared, and for me, has brought in a lot of traffic. Now if you see a board filled with bloggers work, follow that board too.
Finding new accounts on Instagram can sometimes be hard for me. The ways I've found to work best is to go to an account I like, and look at the suggested accounts. You will always find similarities there. Other ways are to search on Twitter for Instagram trains, check who's followed you, as you may have a similar style of niche.
Instagram is probably not the most liked platform at the moment for bloggers, but I think that just means we need to work a little harder as a community to help the accounts grow. You will obviously follow accounts that inspire you (that's a given), but with Instagram, it's also the engagement that matters, which can help their photos get seen, or end up on the popular page or top of tagged pages. Make sure you like and comment on photos you like. If they've worked with brands, or have tagged them in it, seeing a high engagement can work in their favour. As well as on your feed, search blogger related hashtags to find accounts to like or follow.

We all know since Instagram stopped sharing posts chronologically, we end up missing a lot of posts, (but at least we know what everyone was up to two weeks ago). You may end up with a lot of notifications, but if you don't mind, turn them on and you'll know exactly when your favourite bloggers have posted.
My heart just melts everytime my account gets shared in a story. Doing a quick story on your favourite accounts can help spread accounts to new audiences. I have also ended up following a lot of new accounts after seeing a quick snapshot of their feed. You can also store the stories on your profile for the love to last forever.
Instagram pods can be a little hit or miss. I did try it a while ago, but it wasn't for me. If you decide to create one or be a part of one, make sure it's a small group of people, preferably with similar niches, and never start the group chat through Instagram. Apparently, Instagram doesn't like pods, so they're doing their best to stop these happening. It's best to find an alternative to share your posts.
Using Bloglovin' is very easy, and my favourite way to know when a blogger has posted. Once you've read it, click the heart and show the post some love. This increases engagement which means the post is more likely to be seen on 'explore' pages.
Creating collections on Bloglovin' is just like creating different folders for different blogging topics. These can range from recipes to reviews, or your favourite photography to new bloggers you've discovered. Again, this helps increase engagement.
If you have a good old-fashioned blogger sidebar, create a small section where you leave links or logos.
Once you've finished reading a post, pop down to the bottom and leave a comment. You could discuss the topic in hand, anwser any questions they've called for, or just let the blogger know they're doing an amazing job.
I love reading posts about who to follow, I always end up finding at least one new blogger to become totally obsessed with.
If you send-out your own newsletter which features posts you've written over the week/month, include a post or two of the best posts you've read recently. You might decide to stick to your niche, or something completely different for your readers. Talking of newsletters, this is something that I want to start and will attempt later on in the year, so watch this space!
Let me know in the comments below your favourite way to support bloggers, and what has been a memorable moment when another blogger has given your post some love.
and let me know your thoughts on this post!