37 Reasons You Should Start A Blog NOW!
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I love opening up about being a blogger. It's still a very new career path, and I am happy to talk about it to open-minded people. I'm always pointing out the positive reasons, and will forever be encouraging people to start their own. I usually get the same comments about not knowing what to write about, or not having enough time, but the thing with blogging is, there are no rules. You're free to blog about what you want, when you want. Some take blogging up as a full-time career and turn it into a business, whereas some do it as a hobby, post when they have free time, and prefer it that way. You can schedule it around how much, or little time you have.

I started blogging as just a fun hobby, (you can read my full story here) and 3 years on, I've learnt new skills, found new passions, worked with some amazing brands, made lifelong friends, and have started thinking about blogging in a completely different way. I had no prior experience with blogging beforehand, and most people don't. You'll learn, make a lot of mistakes, but grow so much as a person. Working in an independent environment really tests so many personal skills all at once, and these will grow and stay with you always.
You might have no idea what to blog about, but just have a cool name to start with. That's ok. You might have an amazing idea for a blog, start it, and then realise this is not what you expected. That's ok too. You can have a break, try again, or just rule out blogging forever. I can ramble on about how much I love blogging, but yes, I am biased because this has become a huge passion of mine, so don't just take my word for it. Let me share with you 37 reasons that will help motivate you to start your own blog.
- Your blog can be about absolutely anything you love and enjoy
- It's free to set up
- Gain new practical skills - writing, photography, branding
- You'll be a part of a huge community from all around the world
- Become more self aware
- Free themes for your layout - you don't need web design skills
- Try something new
- To keep an online diary to keep track of your life
- Grow your online presence
- No prior experience needed - you learn as you blog
- Meet new people
- Grow personal skills - time management, organisation, communication
- Become your own boss
- Share your ideas, opinions, and passions with like-minded people
- It can be used as an online portfolio
- It can be a hobby, and just remain a hobby
- Open doors to new and exciting opportunities
- There are no 'blogging rules' to follow
- Use it as a way to express yourself
- You don't need new equipment, or a large workspace
- To challenge yourself
- There are loads of free online resources and guides to help from the very beginning
- Spark a new career path - social media, journalism, photography
- Track your personal growth throughout the years
- Help create a new focus
- It works around your time, doesn't matter what other commitments you have
- Failing a blog once doesn't mean you're going to fail again
- Build a career if you struggle working in a public environment
- You have complete creative control
- Archived work that will always be online
- Use it as personal therapy
- A source of income
- You can become an inspiration to someone new
- Online blogging groups to help motivate and inspire, and build confidence
- Help promote or start a business
- Use your own experiences to help others
- Produce something that is 100% you
Starting a blog takes minutes. No matter whether you have an idea to start, or have stumbled on this post accidentally, I hope this motivates you to start your own blog, because it has become the best decision for me. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below, or email me. If you're an established blogger, and reading this because you're a regular, let me know in the comments below what was your thoughts before you started your blog, and what really motivated you.
and let me know your thoughts on this post!