My Blogmas Advent Calendar Reveal

Thursday 29 November 2018

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Just like the Kardashian’s have their annual family Christmas card, here on Little White Socks, we have our annual blogmas advent calendar reveal.

You must all know by now how much I love blogmas - I would even go as far as saying it's my most mentioned word over the last 6 months. Blogmas to me is more than just posting festive content. After the success of last year, I realised that with the right focus and goals I can get pretty much anything done. I'm the type of person who doesn't like doing something just to do it, I like to see the progression with an end goal; the end goal being this year is 24 beautiful posts which I am proud of.

I'm about two-thirds of the way there, and I couldn't be prouder. I am going to completely embarrass myself even more than I possibly could but I just keep looking at the photos I've taken and just being in awe of what I've created.

blogmas advent calendar

It hasn't been easy though.

A few failed bakes and a broken camera - which resulted in a lot of tears. (The tears shed were for the camera and not the failed bakes). But it's taught me patience, and most of all to actually believe in myself and what I can actually do. I'm going to go into more details in a post next year because I'm sure right now you want to hear more about blogmas.

Yet again, I have created an online advent calendar, which you can bookmark and check back to each day to see what's new. I had so much fun experimenting with new coding techniques and animations, and I'm sure you may see some of these roll onto my blog soon... maybe?!

.@helloaycan is revealing her blogmas advent calendar!

This year I have stuck to a strict baking and diy only zone. All of which I have given a fun little spin on. Expect a lot of glitter, sparkles, pastel colours and erm way too much sugar a human should consume, but it's Christmas.

Learning from my mistakes last year, I am going to put more emphasis on social media and the ways in which I'm sharing my content. I am doing a little trial and error across all social media so fingers crossed, this can be something I'll carry onto my posts next year. If you see something you like or enjoy, please let me know so I can see I'm getting the right messages across.

I usually post little sneak peeks while I'm baking/making my content, but this year I have made sure that absolutely nothing is shared (except for a couple of people who I had to show). It has been so hard to keep this all to myself. I would take a really close up side photo that I wanted to share but I'd always stop myself. Even though blogmas starts in two days, as much as I am nervous, I'm so excited to finally share with you all what I've been up to. Let me know in the comments below if you're taking part in blogmas this year, and I'll be sure to check out your content.